Got those bones taking up space and gathering dust?Interested? Here's how to go about it: 1. Email us at [email protected] and tell us what you want to sell; we will email back and tell you if we are interested. 2. If we are interested, then please send us pictures and an idea of the price you want for your material. If possible, please send a picture of the item overall, and detailed pictures of any flaws, or any special details to which you want to draw our attention. 3. We will get back to you with an offer. There may be a few emails back and forth here. 4. If you accept the offer, please ship the item to us (Priority Mail is usually the best option); we will pay you upon receipt, either with a company check or by Paypal, whichever you prefer. At this time, we are especially looking for: Human - full disarticulated skeletons, good quality medical prep skulls, 'artist quality' skulls, articulated skeletons (preferably not with muscle insertions), articulated hands, femurs. Other Animal - skulls: hyena, giraffe (hard to ship, I know). Please note that we can only buy exotic (and only certain exotics) and domestic (like dog, cat, cattle) bones from people other than licensed dealers. Note that we are restricted by many laws, probably more than we know. Please understand, if we say that we are sorry, but we cannot legally buy or sell the material you are offering, it's not our fault! Also please be aware that since we are buying to resell, we cannot of course pay full retail; you will be selling to us for, basically, a wholesale price. Thank you for thinking of us! |